Vucic retaliated with a video: I won't run away. Later on December 9, local time, Vucic posted a video on social media "Telegram" saying that although western-funded protesters tried to "subvert the regime" in Serbia, the government had no intention of giving up. "If they think I am Assad, I will flee somewhere, then I won't." (Observer Network)There is a wave of "restriction on purchases" in the public offering market. The announcement of Huitianfu Fund on December 11th shows that since December 12th, Huitianfu Enhanced Income Bond A has suspended large-scale subscription, large-scale conversion and large-scale fixed investment business, and the amount of single or multiple cumulative subscriptions, conversion and fixed investment in a single fund account per day should not exceed 10 million yuan (inclusive). Recently, the reporter found that there is a "restricted purchase tide" in the public offering market. Whether it is active equity funds, bond funds or QDII funds, many outstanding products have recently announced the suspension of large-scale subscription, and even QDII products have directly "closed the market" and suspended all buying operations. (CSI)State Railway Administration: From January to November, the national railway passenger volume reached a record high, and the State Railway Administration announced that from January to November, the national railway passenger volume reached a record high. From January to November, the number of railway passengers sent nationwide reached 4.015 billion, up 12.6% year-on-year, and the annual number of passengers sent exceeded 4 billion for the first time, reaching a record high. Passenger turnover reached 1,484.061 billion person-kilometers, a year-on-year increase of 7.8%. In the month of November, the number of railway passengers sent nationwide was 304 million, up 8.8% year-on-year; Passenger turnover reached 98.135 billion person-kilometers, a year-on-year increase of 2.5%. The volume of freight delivery has increased steadily. From January to November, the national railway freight volume was 4.715 billion tons, a year-on-year increase of 2.5%. In November, the national railway freight volume was 455 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 6.4%; The freight turnover was 324.521 billion tons kilometers, up 2.4% year-on-year.
Head of South Korea's senior public official crime investigation department: If the conditions are met, it will seek to arrest Yin Xiyue. The head of South Korea's senior public official crime investigation department said that if the conditions are met, the team will seek to arrest President Yin Xiyue or seek to issue an arrest warrant for him. On Wednesday, when answering questions raised by opposition lawmakers at the National Assembly meeting, Oh Dong-woon indicated that he had the intention to arrest Yin Xiyue.The public security organs cracked down on the illegal and criminal activities of the network water army according to law. The Ministry of Public Security attached great importance to cracking down on and rectifying the illegal and criminal activities of the "network water army". Relying on the special action of "Net Net 2024", it made an all-out attack, focusing on prominent illegal and criminal activities such as disinformation and drainage, public opinion extortion, brushing and evaluation, and paid deletion of posts, and deployed public security organs across the country to carry out the crackdown and rectification work. Since the beginning of this year, more than 900 cases have been detected, and more than 5,000 suspects have been arrested. Through phased strikes, the space for illegal and criminal activities of the "network water army" has been fully squeezed, and the network public order has been effectively maintained. Today, the Ministry of Public Security announced 10 typical cases of cracking down on "network water army" crimes according to law. (Guangming Daily)Argentine President Millay vowed to abolish capital and foreign exchange controls. Argentine President Millay promised to abolish capital and foreign exchange controls next year, and his government intends to negotiate a free trade agreement with the United States after Trump takes office. The difference between the black market exchange rate and the official exchange rate in Argentina has been narrowing, and even nearly disappeared in recent weeks, which helps the government to deregulate more easily. Millay announced that in order to solve the debt mountain problem of the central bank, Argentina will either sign a new agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to replace the existing $44 billion agreement or reach an agreement with private investors. "This brings us closer to the final abolition of capital control every day. Capital control is an abnormal phenomenon that should not have happened, and we will put a permanent end to it next year," Millay said in a national televised speech on Tuesday, accompanied by cabinet members. Millay said that from now on, Argentines will be allowed to pay, sell and earn income in any currency they want, but the peso will continue to be used for tax payment. Earlier on Tuesday, Millay said it would take four years to close the central bank, one of his main campaign promises.
Vucic retaliated with a video: I won't run away. Later on December 9, local time, Vucic posted a video on social media "Telegram" saying that although western-funded protesters tried to "subvert the regime" in Serbia, the government had no intention of giving up. "If they think I am Assad, I will flee somewhere, then I won't." (Observer Network)The minimum acceptable price of the two-year national debt issued by the Ministry of Finance in Hong Kong is 100.62 yuan. The minimum acceptable price of the five-year national debt issued by the Ministry of Finance in Hong Kong is 102.41 yuan.Sony group's share price hit a record high in intraday trading.
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